Module: tag

awesome tag API.

What is a tag?

In AwesomeWM, a tag is a group of clients. It can either be used as labels or as more classical workspaces depending on how they are configured.

Client geometry

  • A tag can be attached to multiple clients
  • A client can be attached to multiple tags
  • A tag can only be in 1 screen any given time, but can be moved
  • All clients attached to a tag must be in the same screen as the tag

Creating tags

The default config initializes tags like this:

  { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" },

If you wish to have tags with different properties, then awful.tag.add is a better choice:

awful.tag.add("First tag", {
    icon               = "/path/to/icon1.png",
    layout             = awful.layout.suit.tile,
    master_fill_policy = "master_width_factor",
    gap_single_client  = true,
    gap                = 15,
    screen             = s,
    selected           = true,

awful.tag.add("Second tag", {
    icon = "/path/to/icon2.png",
    layout = awful.layout.suit.max,
    screen = s,

Note: the example above sets "First tag" to be selected explicitly, because otherwise you will find yourself without any selected tag.

Accessing tags

To access the "current tags", use

local tags = awful.screen.focused().selected_tags

See: awful.screen.focused

See: screen.selected_tags

To ignore the corner case where multiple tags are selected:

local t = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag

See: screen.selected_tag

To get all tags for the focused screen:

local tags = awful.screen.focused().tags

See: screen.tags

To get all tags:

local tags = root.tags()

To get the current tag of the focused client:

local t = client.focus and client.focus.first_tag or nil

See: client.focus See: client.first_tag

To get a tag from its name:

local t = awful.tag.find_by_name(awful.screen.focused(), "name")

Common keybindings code

Here is a few useful shortcuts not part of the default rc.lua. Add these functions above -- {{{ Key bindings:

Delete the current tag

local function delete_tag()
    local t = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag
    if not t then return end

Create a new tag at the end of the list

local function add_tag()
    awful.tag.add("NewTag", {
        screen = awful.screen.focused(),
        layout = awful.layout.suit.floating }):view_only()

Rename the current tag

local function rename_tag() {
        prompt       = "New tag name: ",
        textbox      = awful.screen.focused().mypromptbox.widget,
        exe_callback = function(new_name)
            if not new_name or #new_name == 0 then return end

            local t = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag
            if t then
       = new_name

Move the focused client to a new tag

local function move_to_new_tag()
    local c = client.focus
    if not c then return end

    local t = awful.tag.add(c.class,{screen= c.screen })

Copy the current tag at the end of the list

local function copy_tag()
    local t = awful.screen.focused().selected_tag
    if not t then return end

    local clients = t:clients()
    local t2 = awful.tag.add(, awful.tag.getdata(t))

And, in the globalkeys table:

awful.key({ modkey,           }, "a", add_tag,
          {description = "add a tag", group = "tag"}),
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift"   }, "a", delete_tag,
          {description = "delete the current tag", group = "tag"}),
awful.key({ modkey, "Control"   }, "a", move_to_new_tag,
          {description = "add a tag with the focused client", group = "tag"}),
awful.key({ modkey, "Mod1"   }, "a", copy_tag,
          {description = "create a copy of the current tag", group = "tag"}),
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift"   }, "r", rename_tag,
          {description = "rename the current tag", group = "tag"}),

See the global keybindings for more information about the keybindings.

Some signal names are starting with a dot. These dots are artefacts from the documentation generation, you get the real signal name by removing the starting dot.

Usage example


  • Copyright: 2008-2009 Julien Danjou
  • Originally authored by: Julien Danjou <>
    (Full contributors list available on our github project)


awful.tag.add (name[, props=nil]) Add a tag.

Static module functions

tag.instances () -> () Get the number of instances.
tag.disconnect_signal (name, func) Disconnect from a signal.
tag.emit_signal (name, ...) Emit a signal.
tag.connect_signal (name, func) Connect to a signal. (names[, screen=1], layout) -> table Create a set of tags and attach it to a screen.
awful.tag.find_fallback (screen[, invalids=nil]) Find a suitable fallback tag.
awful.tag.history.update (obj) Update the tag history.
awful.tag.history.restore (screen, idx) Revert tag history.
awful.tag.find_by_name (s, name) -> () Find a tag by name.
awful.tag.incmwfact (add, t) Increase master width factor.
awful.tag.incgap (add, t) Increase the spacing between clients
awful.tag.togglemfpol (t) Toggle size fill policy for the master client(s) between "expand" and "masterwidthfactor".
awful.tag.incnmaster (add[, t[, sensible=false]]) Increase the number of master windows.
awful.tag.incncol (add[, t[, sensible=false]]) Increase number of column windows.
awful.tag.viewnone ([screen]) View no tag.
awful.tag.viewidx (i[, screen]) Select a tag relative to the currently selected one.
awful.tag.viewnext (screen) View next tag.
awful.tag.viewprev (screen) View previous tag.
awful.tag.viewmore (tags[, screen[, maximum=#tags]]) View only a set of tags.
awful.tag.viewtoggle (t) Toggle selection of a tag
awful.tag.attached_connect_signal (screen[, signal[, Callback]]) Add a signal to all attached tags and all tags that will be attached in the future.

Object properties

name string Tag name.
selected boolean True if the tag is selected to be viewed.
activated boolean True if the tag is active and can be used.
index integer The tag index.
isolated boolean When set, clients added to this tag will be untagged from all other tags.
max_client number The maximum number of client before creating a duplicate.
focus_policy string Define when clients on this tag are allowed to steal the focus.
relocator function or nil Function called when new screens are added to potentially relocate the tag.
exclusive boolean Define if a tag implicitly reject or allow any client.
screen screen The tag screen.
master_width_factor number The tag master width factor.
layout layout or function The tag client layout.
layouts table The (proposed) list of available layouts for this tag.
volatile boolean Define if the tag must be deleted when the last client is untagged.
gap number The gap (spacing, also called useless_gap) between clients.
gap_single_client boolean Enable gaps for a single client.
master_fill_policy string Set size fill policy for the master client(s).
master_count integer Set the number of master windows.
icon path or surface Set the tag icon.
column_count integer Set the number of columns.

Object methods

:clients ([clients_table=nil]) -> () Get or set the clients attached to this tag.
:swap (tag2) Swap 2 tags.
:clear {[args]} Remove all tagged clients.
:delete ([fallback_tag=awful.tag.find_fallback()[, force=false]]) -> () Delete a tag.
:view_only () View only a tag.
:emit_signal (name, ...) Emit a signal. Inherited from gears.object
:connect_signal (name, func) Connect to a signal. Inherited from gears.object
:weak_connect_signal (name, func) Connect to a signal weakly. Inherited from gears.object


request::select Emitted when a tag requests to be selected.
request::default_layouts This signal is emitted to request the list of default layouts.
request::layouts This signals is emitted when a tag needs layouts for the first time.
tagged Emitted when a client gets tagged with this tag.
untagged Emitted when a client gets untagged with this tag.
cleared Emitted when all clients are removed from the tag.
property::urgent Emitted when the number of urgent clients on this tag changes.
property::urgent_count Emitted when the number of urgent clients on this tag changes.
request::screen Emitted when a screen is removed.
removal-pending Emitted after request::screen if no new screen has been set.

Theme variables

beautiful.master_width_factor number The default master width factor
beautiful.useless_gap number The default gap.
beautiful.gap_single_client boolean Enable gaps for a single client.
beautiful.master_fill_policy string The default fill policy.
beautiful.master_count integer The default number of master windows.
beautiful.column_count integer The default number of columns.

Deprecated functions

awful.tag.move [deprecated] Move a tag to an absolute position in the screen[]:tags() table.
awful.tag.swap [deprecated] Swap 2 tags
awful.tag.delete [deprecated] Delete a tag.
awful.tag.gettags [deprecated] Get a list of all tags on a screen
awful.tag.setscreen [deprecated] Set a tag's screen
awful.tag.getscreen [deprecated] Get a tag's screen
awful.tag.selectedlist [deprecated] Return a table with all visible tags
awful.tag.selected [deprecated] Return only the first visible tag.
awful.tag.setmwfact [deprecated] Set master width factor.
awful.tag.getmwfact [deprecated] Get master width factor.
awful.tag.setlayout [deprecated] Set layout.
awful.tag.setvolatile [deprecated] Set if the tag must be deleted when the last client is untagged
awful.tag.getvolatile [deprecated] Get if the tag must be deleted when the last client closes
awful.tag.setgap [deprecated] Set the spacing between clients
awful.tag.getgap [deprecated] Get the spacing between clients.
awful.tag.setmfpol [deprecated] Set size fill policy for the master client(s)
awful.tag.getmfpol [deprecated] Get size fill policy for the master client(s)
awful.tag.setnmaster [deprecated] The number of master clients.
awful.tag.getnmaster [deprecated] Get the number of master windows.
awful.tag.seticon [deprecated] Set the tag icon
awful.tag.geticon [deprecated] Get the tag icon
awful.tag.setncol [deprecated] Set number of column windows.
awful.tag.getncol [deprecated] Get number of column windows.
awful.tag.getidx [deprecated] Get a tag's index in the gettags() table.
awful.tag.viewonly [deprecated] View only a tag.
awful.tag.getdata [deprecated] Get tag data table.
awful.tag.getproperty [deprecated] Get a tag property.
awful.tag.setproperty [deprecated] Set a tag property.
awful.tag.withcurrent [deprecated] Tag a client with the set of current tags.


tag.awful.tag.history.limit integer The number of elements kept in the history.
tag.awful.tag.layouts N/A An ordered list of layouts.


awful.tag.add (name[, props=nil])

Add a tag.

This function allow to create tags from a set of properties:

local t = awful.tag.add("my new tag", {
    screen = screen.primary,
    layout = awful.layout.suit.max,


  • name string The tag name, a string
  • props table or nil The tags initial properties, a table (default nil)


    The created tag

See also:

Static module functions

tag.instances () -> ()
Get the number of instances.


    The number of tag objects alive.
tag.disconnect_signal (name, func)
Disconnect from a signal.


  • name string The name of the signal.
  • func function The callback that should be disconnected.
tag.emit_signal (name, ...)
Emit a signal.


  • name string The name of the signal.
  • ... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments that are given to emit_signal().
tag.connect_signal (name, func)
Connect to a signal.


  • name string The name of the signal.
  • func function The callback to call when the signal is emitted. (names[, screen=1], layout) -> table

Create a set of tags and attach it to a screen.

This is what's performed by the default config:

Usage example

 -- Calling
 awful.tag({ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }, screen[1], awful.layout.layouts[1])

It is also possible to set multiple layouts:

Usage example

 local some_layouts = {

 -- Calling
 awful.tag({ "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" }, screen[1], some_layouts)

 -- Add some clients
 for _, t in ipairs(screen[1].tags) do
     for _ = 1, 5 do
         awful.spawn("xterm", {tag = t})


  • names table The tag name, in a table
  • screen screen or number The tag screen (defaults to screen 1). (default 1)
  • layout table The layout or layout table to set for this tags by default.


    table A table with all created tags.
awful.tag.find_fallback (screen[, invalids=nil])
Find a suitable fallback tag.


  • screen screen The screen to look for a tag on. [awful.screen.focused()]
  • invalids table or nil A table of tags considered unacceptable. [selectedlist(scr)] (default nil)
awful.tag.history.update (obj)
Update the tag history.


awful.tag.history.restore (screen, idx)
Revert tag history.


  • screen screen The screen.
  • idx number Index in history. Defaults to "previous" which is a special index toggling between last two selected sets of tags. Number (eg 1) will go back to the given index in history.
awful.tag.find_by_name (s, name) -> ()
Find a tag by name.


  • s screen The screen of the tag
  • name string The name of the tag


    The tag found, or nil


    -- For the current screen
    local t = awful.tag.find_by_name(awful.screen.focused(), "name")
    -- For a screen index
    local t = awful.tag.find_by_name(screen[1], "name")
    -- For all screens
    local t = awful.tag.find_by_name(nil, "name")
awful.tag.incmwfact (add, t)
Increase master width factor.


  • add number Value to add to master width factor.
  • t tag The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.

See also:

awful.tag.incgap (add, t)
Increase the spacing between clients


  • add number Value to add to the spacing between clients
  • t tag The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.

See also:

awful.tag.togglemfpol (t)
Toggle size fill policy for the master client(s) between "expand" and "masterwidthfactor".


  • t tag The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.

See also:

awful.tag.incnmaster (add[, t[, sensible=false]])
Increase the number of master windows.


  • add number Value to add to number of master windows.
  • t tag The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used. (optional)
  • sensible boolean Limit nmaster based on the number of visible tiled windows? (default false)

See also:

awful.tag.incncol (add[, t[, sensible=false]])
Increase number of column windows.


  • add number Value to add to number of column windows.
  • t tag The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used. (optional)
  • sensible boolean Limit column_count based on the number of visible tiled windows? (default false)
awful.tag.viewnone ([screen])

View no tag.

Usage example

 -- Calling
 awful.tag({ "one", "two", "three", "four" }, screen[1])

 -- Manually select some tags (tag 1 was auto selected).
 screen[1].tags[3].selected = true
 screen[1].tags[4].selected = true

 -- Deselect all tags.


  • screen int or screen The screen. (optional)
awful.tag.viewidx (i[, screen])
Select a tag relative to the currently selected one.

Note that this doesn't work well with multiple selection.

Usage example

 -- Calling
 awful.tag({ "one", "two", "three", "four" }, screen[1])


 -- Select the tag relative to idx 2.

 -- Select the tag relative to idx -2.

This is equivalent to screen.tags[i]:view_only()


  • i number The relative index to see.
  • screen screen The screen. (optional)

See also:

awful.tag.viewnext (screen)

View next tag. This is the same as tag.viewidx(1).

Note that this doesn't work well with multiple selection.

Usage example

 -- Calling
 awful.tag({ "one", "two", "three", "four" }, screen[1])


 -- Select the next tag.

 -- Select the next tag (again).


See also:

awful.tag.viewprev (screen)

View previous tag. This is the same a tag.viewidx(-1).

Note that this doesn't work well with multiple selection.

Usage example

 -- Calling
 awful.tag({ "one", "two", "three", "four" }, screen[1])


 -- Select the previous tag.

 -- Select the previous tag (again).


See also:

awful.tag.viewmore (tags[, screen[, maximum=#tags]])
View only a set of tags.

If maximum is set, there will be a limit on the number of new tag being selected. The tags already selected do not count. To do nothing if one or more of the tags are already selected, set maximum to zero.


  • tags table A table with tags to view only.
  • screen screen The screen of the tags. (optional)
  • maximum number The maximum number of tags to select. (default #tags)
awful.tag.viewtoggle (t)
Toggle selection of a tag


  • t tag Tag to be toggled

See also:

awful.tag.attached_connect_signal (screen[, signal[, Callback]])
Add a signal to all attached tags and all tags that will be attached in the future. When a tag is detached from the screen, its signal is removed.


  • screen screen The screen concerned, or all if nil.
  • signal string The signal name. (optional)
  • Callback function (optional)

Object properties

name string · 1 signal

Tag name.

Usage example

  -- Calling
  awful.tag({ "one", "two", "three", "four" }, screen[1])


  -- Change the name to New*tag*name.
  screen[1].tags[2].name = "New*tag*name"

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::name When the name value changes.
    • self tag The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
selected boolean · 1 signal

True if the tag is selected to be viewed.

Usage example

  -- Calling
  awful.tag({ "one", "two", "three", "four" }, screen[1])

  -- Change the selection.
  screen[1].tags[1].selected = not screen[1].tags[1].selected
  screen[1].tags[2].selected = true
  screen[1].tags[3].selected = true

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::selected When the selected value changes.
    • self tag The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
activated boolean · 1 signal
True if the tag is active and can be used.
Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::activated When the activated value changes.
    • self tag The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
index integer · 1 signal
The tag index.

Usage example

 -- Calling
 awful.tag({ "one", "two", "three", "four" }, screen[1])

 -- Send the first tag to index 3.
 screen[1].tags[1].index = 3

 -- Send the first tag to index 3.
 screen[1].tags[4].index = 1

The index is the position as shown in the awful.widget.taglist.

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::index When the index value changes.
    • self tag The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
isolated boolean
When set, clients added to this tag will be untagged from all other tags.

In effect, when applied to all tags, this allows to disable multi-tagging. In turn, this allows to implement Xmonad style shared tags. This workflow favors sharing a single set of "workspaces" across all screens. A screen can then select a workspace and it will be moved there.

max_client number
The maximum number of client before creating a duplicate.

This is taken into account by awful.tag.find_fallback and ruled.tag when choosing tags for a client.

This can be used along with a "static" number of tags *used as workspaces) to balance the tiled layout. When used with a dynamic number of tags, it helps to duplicate tags when they grow too large.

Type constraints:

  • number |nil (default nil)
focus_policy string
Define when clients on this tag are allowed to steal the focus.

Valid values are:

  • default: Steal the focus even when the tag isn't selected.
  • selected: Only allow the clients to focus to be stolen if the tag is selected.
  • safeguard_client: If a client within the tag has the focus, prefer to keep it rather than let other clients steal the focus.
  • safeguard_tag: If the tag is selected, only allow other clients tagged in the same tag to steal the focus.
  • safeguardscreentag: Same as safeguard_tag, but allow focus to be stolen by other screens since it keeps the tag as-is.

This is taken into account by awful.client.focus.filter and awful.ewmh.activate when deciding whether or not to grant the focus stealing request. Note that directly using client.focus bypasses this property.

See also:

relocator function or nil
Function called when new screens are added to potentially relocate the tag.

It takes the tag object as first parameter and the new screen as second parameter. If the screen was deleted, then the second parameter will be nil. If it returns a screen, it will be moved there. If nil is returned, it will not be relocated. Optionally, the function can also return an index.

This is useful when plugging and unplugging screens often without losing the layouts.

exclusive boolean
Define if a tag implicitly reject or allow any client.

By default, if no rules do otherwise, new clients ends up in the screen selected tags. If a tag is exclusive, this wont be allowed. Instead, only clients which are intrusive or clients explicitly sent to the tag by the rules will be tagged with this tag.

screen screen · 1 signal
The tag screen.

See also:

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::screen When the screen value changes.
    • self tag The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
master_width_factor number · 2 signals
The tag master width factor.

The master width factor is one of the 5 main properties used to configure the layout. Each layout interpret (or ignore) this property differently.

See the layout suit documentation for information about how the master width factor is used.

Usage example

When multiple columns are used, the master width remains the same, but the other columns split the remaining space among them:

Here is the property effect on the tiled layouts:

Usage example

Here is the property effect on the magnifier layout:

Usage example

Usage example

Type constraints:

  • master_width_factor number Between 0 and 1

See also:

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::mwfact When the value changes (deprecated).
  • property::master_width_factor When the value changes.
layout layout or function · 1 signal

The tag client layout.

This property holds the layout. Layouts are algorithms to place elements, usually clients on the screen according to a predetermined pattern. The layouts occupy the tiling_area of the screen.

Usage example

A layout can be either stateless or stateful. Stateless layouts are used by default by Awesome. They tile clients without any other overhead. They take an ordered list of clients and place them on the screen. Stateful layouts create an object instance for each tags and can store variables and metadata. Because of this, they are able to change over time and be serialized (saved).

Both types of layouts have valid usage scenarios.

Stateless layouts:

These layouts are stored in awful.layout.suit. They expose a table with 2 fields:

  • name (string): The layout name. This should be unique.
  • arrange (function): The function called when the clients need to be placed. The only parameter is a table or arguments returned by awful.layout.parameters

Stateful layouts:

The stateful layouts API is the same as stateless, but they are a function returining a layout instead of a layout itself. They also should have an is_dynamic = true property. If they don't, awful.tag will create a new instance every time the layout is set. If they do, the instance will be cached and re-used.

The client organized by the layout will fill the screen tiling_area section:

Usage example

Here is a simple stateful layout example:

Usage example

 local t = mouse.screen.selected_tag --luacheck: no unused
 -- The first argument (_) is a tag, it is here unused.
 t.layout = dynamite("vertical_fair", function(_)
     return wibox.layout.flex.horizontal()

Type constraints:

  • layout layout or function A layout table or a constructor function

See also:

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::layout When the layout value changes.
    • self tag The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
layouts table · 1 permission
The (proposed) list of available layouts for this tag.

This property allows to define a subset (or superset) of layouts available in the "rotation table". In the default configuration file, Mod4+Space and Mod4+Shift+Space are used to switch between tags. The awful.widget.layoutlist also uses this as its default layout filter.

By default, it will be the same as awful.layout.layouts unless there the a layout not present is used. If that's the case they will be added at the front of the list.

This will be taken into account when calling

See also:


    local t = aw_tag.add("My new tag", {
        layout  = awful.layout.suit.tile,
        layouts = {

Click to display more

Requested actions or permissions:

Class Permission Context Default Description
taglayoutsawfulgrantedWhen the layouts property is first called and there is no layouts, then that signal is called.
volatile boolean · 1 signal
Define if the tag must be deleted when the last client is untagged.

This is useful to create "throw-away" tags for operation like 50/50 (Windows "Aero Snap) side-by-side views. This keybinding code for this is:

local function aero_tag()
    local c = client.focus

    if not c then return end

    local c2 = awful.client.focus.history.list[2]

    if (not c2) or c2 == c then return end

    local t = aw_tag.add("Aero", {
        screen              = c.screen,
        volatile            = true,
        layout              = awful.layout.suit.tile,
        master_width_factor = 0.5

    t:clients({c, c2})


Usage example

 -- Create a non-volatile and a volatile tag.
 awful.tag.add("Non-Volatile", {
     screen   = screen[1],
     layout   = awful.layout.suit.corner.nw,
     volatile = false,

 awful.tag.add("Volatile", {
     screen   = screen[1],
     layout   = awful.layout.suit.corner.nw,
     volatile = true,

 -- Add some clients.
 for _, t in ipairs(screen[1].tags) do
     for i = 1, 5 do
         awful.spawn("xterm", {tag = t})

 -- Kill all clients.
 while #client.get() ~= 0 do

As you can see, the "Volatile" tag has been automatically discarded while the "Non-volatile" tag is still there (but with zero clients).

    if not c then return end

    local c2 = awful.client.focus.history.list[2]

    if (not c2) or c2 == c then return end

    local t = awful.tag.add("Aero", {
        screen              = c.screen,
        volatile            = true,
        layout              = awful.layout.suit.tile,
        master_width_factor = 0.5

    t:clients({c, c2})


Usage example

 -- Create a non-volatile and a volatile tag.
 awful.tag.add("Non-Volatile", {
     screen   = screen[1],
     layout   = awful.layout.suit.corner.nw,
     volatile = false,

 awful.tag.add("Volatile", {
     screen   = screen[1],
     layout   = awful.layout.suit.corner.nw,
     volatile = true,

 -- Add some clients.
 for _, t in ipairs(screen[1].tags) do
     for _ = 1, 5 do
         awful.spawn("xterm", {tag = t})

 -- Kill all clients.
 while #client.get() ~= 0 do

As you can see, the "Volatile" tag has been automatically discarded while the "Non-volatile" tag is still there (but with zero clients).

See also:

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::volatile When the volatile value changes.
    • self tag The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
gap number · 1 signal
The gap (spacing, also called useless_gap) between clients.

This property allows to waste space on the screen in the name of style, unicorns and readability.

Note that pixels cannot be divided, the gap will be rounded to the closest multiplier of 2.

Usage example

In this example, the value of gap is set to 20:

Usage example

Compared to setting to the (very high) value of 50:

Usage example

Type constraints:

  • gap number The value has to be greater than zero.

See also:

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::useless_gap When the gap changes.
gap_single_client boolean · 1 signal
Enable gaps for a single client.

If the gaps are used purely for readability when multiple clients are tiled, then it may make sense to disable it when there is only a single client (to recover that space). In that case, set gap_single_client to false.

Default (with a 20px gap):

Usage example

when set to false:

Usage example

Type constraints:

  • gap_single_client boolean Enable gaps for a single client

See also:

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::gap_single_client When the gap_single_client value changes.
    • self tag The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
master_fill_policy string · 1 signal
Set size fill policy for the master client(s).

Some multi-column layouts can be configured so that the space is redistributed when there is not enough clients to fill all columns.

* Possible values*:

  • expand: Take all the space
  • master_width_factor: Only take the ratio defined by the master_width_factor

This is the default behavior of the tile.left layout (expand):

Usage example

This is what happends when set to master_width_factor:

Usage example

The remaining space that would have been used for the second column is redistributed on both side.

Type constraints:

  • master_fill_policy string "expand" or "masterwidthfactor"

See also:

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::master_fill_policy When the master_fill_policy value changes.
    • self tag The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
master_count integer · 2 signals
Set the number of master windows.

Usage example

 -- Create a tag with master count of 1 and tag with count of 2
 awful.tag.add("Master 1", {
     screen   = screen[1],
     layout   = awful.layout.suit.tile,
     master_count = 1,

 awful.tag.add("Master 2", {
     screen   = screen[1],
     layout   = awful.layout.suit.tile,
     master_count = 2,

 -- Add some clients.
 for _, t in ipairs(screen[1].tags) do
     for _ = 1, 5 do
         awful.spawn("xterm", {tag = t})

Here is the property effect on the tiled layouts:

Usage example

Type constraints:

  • master_count integer nmaster Only positive values are accepted

See also:

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::nmaster Deprecated.
  • property::master_count When the value changes.
icon path or surface · 1 signal

Set the tag icon.

Usage example

 awful.tag.add("one", {})

 awful.tag.add("two", {
     icon = beautiful.awesome_icon

 awful.tag.add("three", {})

Type constraints:

  • icon path or surface The icon

See also:

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::icon When the icon value changes.
    • self tag The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
column_count integer · 2 signals
Set the number of columns.

Usage example

 -- Create a tag with column count of 1 and tag with count of 2
 awful.tag.add("1 column", {
     screen   = screen[1],
     layout   = awful.layout.suit.tile,
     column_count = 1,

 awful.tag.add("2 columns", {
     screen   = screen[1],
     layout   = awful.layout.suit.tile,
     column_count = 2,

 awful.tag.add("3 columns", {
     screen   = screen[1],
     layout   = awful.layout.suit.tile,
     column_count = 3,

 -- Add some clients.
 for _, t in ipairs(screen[1].tags) do
     for _ = 1, 6 do
         awful.spawn("xterm", {tag = t})

Here is the property effect on the tiled layouts:

Usage example

Type constraints:

  • ncol integer Has to be greater than 1

See also:

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::ncol Deprecated.
  • property::column_count When the value changes.

Object methods

:clients ([clients_table=nil]) -> ()
Get or set the clients attached to this tag.


  • clients_table table None or a table of clients to set as being tagged with this tag. (default nil)


    A table with the clients attached to this tags.
:swap (tag2)

Swap 2 tags.

Usage example

 -- Calling
 awful.tag({ "one", "two", "three", "four" }, screen[1])


 -- Swap tag 2 with tag 4.


  • tag2 tag The second tag

See also:

:clear {[args]} · 2 signals
Remove all tagged clients.

Usage example

 -- Calling
 awful.tag({ "one", "two" }, screen[1], some_layouts)

 -- Call :clear() on the first tag.



  • args The arguments.
    • fallback_tag tag A fallback tag.
    • allow_untagged boolean Allow the untagged clients to remain untagged. (default false)

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • cleared After all clients have been untagged.
  • untagged For each currently tagged clients.
    • c client The untagged client.
:delete ([fallback_tag=awful.tag.find_fallback()[, force=false]]) -> ()

Delete a tag.

To delete the current tag:

Usage example

 -- Calling
 awful.tag({ "one", "two", "three", "four" }, screen[1])


 -- Delete the selected tag.


  • fallback_tag tag Tag to assign stickied tags to. (default awful.tag.find_fallback())
  • force boolean Move even non-sticky clients to the fallback tag. (default false)


    Returns true if the tag is successfully deleted. If there are no clients exclusively on this tag then delete it. Any stickied clients are assigned to the optional 'fallback_tag'. If after deleting the tag there is no selected tag, try and restore from history or select the first tag on the screen.

See also:

:view_only ()

View only a tag.

Usage example

 -- Calling
 awful.tag({ "one", "two", "three", "four" }, screen[1])

 -- Manually select some tags (tag 1 was auto selected).
 screen[1].tags[3].selected = true
 screen[1].tags[4].selected = true

 -- Call :view_only() on the second tag.

See also:

:emit_signal (name, ...) · Inherited from gears.object
Emit a signal.


  • name string The name of the signal.
  • ... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments that are given to emit_signal().
:connect_signal (name, func) · Inherited from gears.object
Connect to a signal.


  • name string The name of the signal.
  • func function The callback to call when the signal is emitted.
:weak_connect_signal (name, func) · Inherited from gears.object
Connect to a signal weakly.

This allows the callback function to be garbage collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens.

Warning: Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you are doing.


  • name string The name of the signal.
  • func function The callback to call when the signal is emitted.


request::select · 1 permission
Emitted when a tag requests to be selected.


  • context string The reason why it was called.

Click to display more

Requested actions or permissions:

Class Permission Context Default Description
tagselectewmhgrantedWhen the client request to be moved to a specific virtual desktop. AwesomeWM interprets virtual desktop as indexed tags.
request::default_layouts · 1 permission · Class level only

This signal is emitted to request the list of default layouts.

It is emitted on the global tag class rather than individual tag objects. This default handler is part of rc.lua:

  tag.connect_signal("request::default_layouts", function()

External modules can also use this signal to dynamically add additional default layouts.

  tag.connect_signal("request::default_layouts", function()


  • context string The context (currently always "startup").

See also:

Click to display more

Requested actions or permissions:

Class Permission Context Default Description
tagdefault_layoutsstartupgrantedWhen AwesomeWM starts, it queries for default layout using this request.
This signals is emitted when a tag needs layouts for the first time.

If no handler implement it, it will fallback to the content added by request::default_layouts


  • context string The context (currently always "awful").
  • hints table A, currently empty, table with hints.
Emitted when a client gets tagged with this tag.


  • c client The tagged client.
Emitted when a client gets untagged with this tag.


  • c client The untagged client.
Emitted when all clients are removed from the tag.

See also:

Emitted when the number of urgent clients on this tag changes.


  • boolean true if there is at least one urgent client on the tag.

See also:

Emitted when the number of urgent clients on this tag changes.


  • integer The number of urgent clients on the tag.

See also:

Emitted when a screen is removed.

This can be used to salvage existing tags by moving them to a new screen (or creating a virtual screen).

By default, there is no handler for this request and the tags will be deleted. To prevent this, an handler for this request must simply set a new screen for the tag.


  • context string Why it was called.
Emitted after request::screen if no new screen has been set. The tag will be deleted, this is a last chance to move its clients before they are sent to a fallback tag. Connect to request::screen if you wish to salvage the tag.

Theme variables

beautiful.master_width_factor number
The default master width factor

Type constraints:

  • number (default: 0.5)

See also:

beautiful.useless_gap number
The default gap.

Type constraints:

  • number (default: 0)

See also:

beautiful.gap_single_client boolean
Enable gaps for a single client.

Type constraints:

  • boolean (default: true)

See also:

beautiful.master_fill_policy string

The default fill policy.

* Possible values*:

  • expand: Take all the space
  • *masterwidthfactor*: Only take the ratio defined by the master_width_factor

Type constraints:

  • string (default: "expand")

See also:

beautiful.master_count integer
The default number of master windows.

Type constraints:

  • integer (default: 1)

See also:

beautiful.column_count integer
The default number of columns.

Type constraints:

  • integer (default: 1)

See also:

Deprecated functions

awful.tag.move [deprecated]
Move a tag to an absolute position in the screen[]:tags() table.


  • new_index Integer absolute position in the table to insert.
  • target_tag The tag that should be moved. If null, the currently selected tag is used.

See also:

awful.tag.swap [deprecated]
Swap 2 tags


  • tag1 The first tag
  • tag2 The second tag

See also:

awful.tag.delete [deprecated]
Delete a tag.


  • target_tag Optional tag object to delete. [selected()]
  • fallback_tag Tag to assign stickied tags to. [~selected()]


    Returns true if the tag is successfully deleted, nil otherwise. If there are no clients exclusively on this tag then delete it. Any stickied clients are assigned to the optional 'fallback_tag'. If after deleting the tag there is no selected tag, try and restore from history or select the first tag on the screen.

See also:

awful.tag.gettags [deprecated]
Get a list of all tags on a screen



    A table with all available tags

See also:

awful.tag.setscreen [deprecated]
Set a tag's screen


  • s Screen
  • t tag object

See also:

awful.tag.getscreen [deprecated]
Get a tag's screen


  • t tag object (optional)


    Screen number

See also:

awful.tag.selectedlist [deprecated]
Return a table with all visible tags


  • s Screen.


    A table with all selected tags.

See also:

awful.tag.selected [deprecated]
Return only the first visible tag.


  • s Screen.

See also:

awful.tag.setmwfact [deprecated]
Set master width factor.


  • mwfact Master width factor.
  • t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.

See also:

awful.tag.getmwfact [deprecated]
Get master width factor.


  • t The tag. (optional)

See also:

awful.tag.setlayout [deprecated]
Set layout.


  • layout a layout table or a constructor function
  • t The tag to modify


    The layout

See also:

awful.tag.setvolatile [deprecated]
Set if the tag must be deleted when the last client is untagged


  • volatile boolean If the tag must be deleted when the last client is untagged
  • t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.

See also:

awful.tag.getvolatile [deprecated]
Get if the tag must be deleted when the last client closes


  • t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.


    boolean If the tag will be deleted when the last client is untagged

See also:

awful.tag.setgap [deprecated]
Set the spacing between clients


  • useless_gap The spacing between clients
  • t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.

See also:

awful.tag.getgap [deprecated]
Get the spacing between clients.


  • t tag The tag. (default tag.selected())
  • numclients int Number of (tiled) clients. Passing this will return 0 for a single client. You can override this function to change this behavior. (optional)

See also:

awful.tag.setmfpol [deprecated]
Set size fill policy for the master client(s)


  • policy string Can be set to "expand" (fill all the available workarea) or "masterwidthfactor" (fill only an area inside the master width factor)
  • t tag The tag to modify (default tag.selected())

See also:

awful.tag.getmfpol [deprecated]
Get size fill policy for the master client(s)


  • t tag The tag (default tag.selected())


    string Possible values are "expand" (fill all the available workarea, default one) or "masterwidthfactor" (fill only an area inside the master width factor)

See also:

awful.tag.setnmaster [deprecated]
The number of master clients.


  • nmaster The number of master windows.
  • t The tag. (optional)

See also:

awful.tag.getnmaster [deprecated]
Get the number of master windows.


  • t The tag. (optional)

See also:

awful.tag.seticon [deprecated]
Set the tag icon


  • icon the icon to set, either path or image object
  • tag tag the tag

See also:

awful.tag.geticon [deprecated]
Get the tag icon


  • tag tag the tag

See also:

awful.tag.setncol [deprecated]
Set number of column windows.


  • ncol The number of column.
  • t The tag to modify, if null tag.selected() is used.

See also:

awful.tag.getncol [deprecated]
Get number of column windows.


  • t The tag. (optional)

See also:

awful.tag.getidx [deprecated]
Get a tag's index in the gettags() table.


  • query_tag The tag object to find. [selected()]


    The index of the tag, nil if the tag is not found.

See also:

awful.tag.viewonly [deprecated]
View only a tag.


  • t tag The tag object.

See also:

awful.tag.getdata [deprecated]
Get tag data table.

Do not use.


  • _tag tag The tag.


    The data table.
awful.tag.getproperty [deprecated]
Get a tag property.

Use _tag.prop directly.


  • _tag tag The tag.
  • prop string The property name.


    The property.
awful.tag.setproperty [deprecated]
Set a tag property. This properties are internal to awful. Some are used to draw taglist, or to handle layout, etc.

Use _tag.prop = value


  • _tag The tag.
  • prop The property name.
  • value The value.
awful.tag.withcurrent [deprecated]
Tag a client with the set of current tags.


  • c The client to tag.


tag.awful.tag.history.limit integer
The number of elements kept in the history.
tag.awful.tag.layouts N/A

An ordered list of layouts. awful.tag.layout Is usually defined in rc.lua. It store the list of layouts used when selecting the previous and next layouts. This is the default:

 -- Table of layouts to cover with, order matters.
 awful.layout.layouts = {
     -- awful.layout.suit.corner.sw,
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2021-11-13 00:35:50