Module: dynamite

A drop-in replacment for the stateless layout suits

This system also add the possibility to write handlers enabling the use of tabs, spliters or custom client decorator.

Any wibox.layout compliant layout can be implemented. Monkey-patching dynamite.widget.placeholder also allow modules to define extra features for tiled clients.

To enable this system, add require("dynamite") at the top of your rc.lua


There is 4 ways to use this module. The first one replicates the traditional way AwesomeWM tiling works. There is preprogrammed suits. Each suits will place the clients according to a set of rules. This is called automatic tiling and is the default.

The second way is to use custom suits created using the declarative syntax. unlike the old Awesome 1.x-4.x custom layout suits, it is no longer necessary to have Ph.D in geometry to get it right. It also handle features such as resizing that were never really supported by custom layouts.

The third way is manual tiling. You start with a maximized client, then manually subdivise the space as you go.

Finally, it is possible to use the floating suit, in which case the whole thing is irrelevant and there the tiling is handled by the snapping feature.


This module provide extended versions of many wibox widgets and layouts. They add extra features such as:

  • Mouse resizing to the existing layouts.
  • "Insertion points" to dynamically alter the layout
  • Sleep and awake mode to avoid using CPU when the layout isn't displayed

While the normal variants of the layouts can be used directly, it is highly recommended to use the dynamite versions of those layouts to avoid experiencing some bugs.

TODO add an auto generated list of layouts and widgets

Custom layout examples

Simple tiling layout:

Usage example

local mycustomtilelayout = dynamite {
        max_elements = 1,
        priority     = 3,
        layout       = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
        reflow       = true,
        max_elements = 2,
        priority     = 1,
        layout       = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
        priority = 1,
        layout = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
    layout     = dynamite.layout.ratio.horizontal

In place client spawning:

The dynamite.widget.spawn allows to add "future" clients directly into a layout:

local mycustomtilelayout = dynamite {
            command = "urxvt -e 'bash -c \"nano ~/.config/awesome\"'",
            widget = dynamite.widget.spawn,
        max_elements = 1,
        priority     = 3,
        layout       = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
            command = "urxvt -e 'top'",
            widget = dynamite.widget.spawn,
        reflow       = true,
        max_elements = 3,
        priority     = 1,
        layout       = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
    layout = dynamite.layout.ratio.horizontal

See the client.startup_id for an overview of the limitations and workarounds available to mitigate them.

A column and a layout.tabbed stack:

Usage example

local mycustomtilelayout = dynamite {
        reflow       = true,
        max_elements = 2,
        priority     = 1,
        ratio        = 0.20,
        layout       = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
        priority = 1,
        layout    = dynamite.layout.tabbed
    inner_fill_strategy = "default",
    layout     = dynamite.layout.ratio.horizontal

Using master width factor and alignment:

Usage example

local mycustomtilelayout = dynamite {
        reflow       = true,
        max_elements = 2,
        priority     = 1,
        ratio        = 0.20,
        layout       = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
        priority  = 1,
        ratio     = 0.80,
        layout    = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
    ratio               = 2.99,
    inner_fill_strategy = "center",
    layout              = dynamite.layout.ratio.horizontal

Adding margins::

Usage example

local mycustomtilelayout = dynamite {
        reflow       = true,
        max_elements = 2,
        priority     = 1,
        ratio        = 0.20,
        layout       = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
            priority  = 1,
            ratio     = 0.80,
            layout    = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
        margins = 3,
        widget = wibox.container.margin
    ratio = 2.99,
    layout     = dynamite.layout.ratio.horizontal

Apply a reflection::

Usage example

local function gen_with_mirror(hor, ver)
    return dynamite {
                reflow       = true,
                max_elements = 2,
                priority     = 3,
                ratio        = 0.20,
                layout       = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
                    reflow       = true,
                    max_elements = 1,
                    priority     = 2,
                    ratio        = 0.20,
                    layout       = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
                    reflow   = true,
                    priority = 1,
                    ratio    = 0.20,
                    layout   = dynamite.layout.ratio.horizontal
                reflow = true,
                layout = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
            reflow = true,
            layout = dynamite.layout.ratio.horizontal
        reflection = {
            horizontal = hor,
            vertical   = ver,
        layout = wibox.container.mirror
screen[1].selected_tag.layout = gen_with_mirror(false, false)
screen[2].selected_tag.layout = gen_with_mirror(false, true )
screen[3].selected_tag.layout = gen_with_mirror(true , false)
screen[4].selected_tag.layout = gen_with_mirror(true , true )


Use different layouts depending on the number of clients::

A basic use case with 2 type of layouts depending only on the number of client.

Usage example

local mycustomtilelayout = dynamite {
        reflow   = true,
        when     = function(self, t, count) -- luacheck: no unused args
            return count < 3 end,
        priority = 1,
        layout   = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
        reflow   = true,
        when     = function(self, t, count) return count >= 3 end, -- luacheck: no unused args
        priority = 1,
        layout   = dynamite.layout.ratio.horizontal
    layout     = dynamite.layout.conditional

A more useful example using "real" layout suites:

Usage example

local tile   = require("dynamite.layout.ratio")
local cond   = require("dynamite.layout.conditional")
local corner = require("dynamite.suit.corner")
local fair   = require("dynamite.suit.fair")
local margin = require("wibox.container.margin")
local mycustomtilelayout = dynamite {
        max_elements = 3,
                priority     = 2,
                max_elements = 1,
                ratio        = 0.33,
                layout       = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
                max_elements = 1,
                priority     = 1,
                ratio        = 0.33,
                layout       = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
                max_elements = 1,
                priority     = 3,
                ratio        = 0.33,
                layout       = dynamite.layout.ratio.vertical
            reflow              = true,
            inner_fill_strategy = 'spacing',
            layout              = dynamite.layout.ratio.horizontal
        margins = 3,
        widget  = margin
        reflow       = true,
        max_elements = 4,
        min_elements = 4,
        layout       = fair
        reflow       = true,
        min_elements = 5,
        layout       = corner
    reflow = true,
    layout = cond

Serialization and introspection

TODO show how to use awesome-client to extract and load layouts.


Is it possible to create all layouts using the declarative syntax:

No, creating "complex" suits is required to use more advanced layout features like master_width_factor and master_fill_policy. Declarative custom layouts is usually good enough for the normal use cases if you don't plan to use these properties.

If there a change of behavior compared to the classic AwesomeWM layout, is it a bug?:

It is probable a bug. Some suits gained new features such as better resizing or using tabs when there is too many clients, but otherwise they should behave the same as they used to do.


  • Copyright: 2016-2018 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
  • Originally authored by: Emmanuel Lepage Vallee <>
    (Full contributors list available on our github project)

Object properties

max_elements number or function The (soft) limit for the number of children.
priority number or function The priority of the layout compared to its peers.
inner_fill_strategy N/A Define how to distribute the empty space.
reflow boolean When an element is removed, take one away from a lower priority layout.

Client layouts

dynamite.suit.corner Replace the stateless corner layout.
fair Replace the stateless fair.
dynamite.fair.horizontal A fair layout prioritizing horizontal space.
magnifier A client in front of a list of other clients.
manual Manually declare a layout for the clients.
max All clients are maximized on top of each other.
tile A layout with columns and rows.
dynamite.tile.left A tile layout with the slave clients on the left. A tile layout with the slave clients on the top.
dynamite.tile.bottom A tile layout with the slave clients on the bottom.
treesome Split the focused client area in two.

Object properties

max_elements number or function
The (soft) limit for the number of children.

This is an hint used by the automatic placement fallback algorithm in case the layout doesn't provide its own.

It also allows rather complex layout to be defined without an imperative implementation.

If no priority is set, the layout with the highest number of free spot will be chosen.

Type constraints:

  • The number or function maximum number of elements contained by the layout or a function returning the value. (default 0)
priority number or function
The priority of the layout compared to its peers.

A "full" layout is composed of many smaller layouts, containers and widgets. When time comes to choose where to add a new client, the "full" layout can either implement its own logic tree or fallback to the default on.

In that case, the priority index will be taken into account. The higher the number is, the higher priority it has. The highest priority layout will "win" as long as the number of elements is below max_elements.

Type constraints:

  • The number or function priority or a function returning the priority. (default 0)
inner_fill_strategy N/A
Define how to distribute the empty space.

This property is only available on the tiled sections.

See also:

reflow boolean
When an element is removed, take one away from a lower priority layout.

Client layouts

Replace the stateless corner layout.

This layout has a master client and a row on the side and bottom of the master client. They are resized so the two "slave" column and row are aligned.

Usage example

Client count scaling:

The first row is the corner layout and the second one corner.horizontal

Usage example

master_count effect:


column_count effect:


master_width_factor effect:

Usage example

gap effect:

The "useless" gap tag property will change the spacing between clients.

Usage example

resize effect:

Usage example

See awful.tag.setgap See awful.tag.getgap See awful.tag.incgap

screen padding effect:

Usage example

See awful.screen.padding

Replace the stateless fair.

This is not a perfect clone, as the stateful property of this layout allow to minimize the number of clients being moved. If a splot of left empty, then it will be used next time a client is added rather than "pop" a client from the next column/row and move everything. This is intended, if you really wish to see the old behavior, a new layout will be created.

This version also support resizing, the older one did not--

Usage example

Client count scaling:

The first row is the fair layout and the second one fair.horizontal

Usage example

master_count effect:


column_count effect:


masterwidthfactor effect:


gap effect:

The "useless" gap tag property will change the spacing between clients.

Usage example

See awful.tag.setgap See awful.tag.getgap See awful.tag.incgap

screen padding effect:

Usage example

Resize effect:

Usage example

See awful.screen.padding

A fair layout prioritizing horizontal space.

See also:

A client in front of a list of other clients.

Usage example

Client count scaling:

Usage example

nmaster effect:


ncol effect:


master_width_factor effect:

Usage example

gap effect:

The "useless" gap tag property will change the spacing between clients.

Usage example

resize effect:

Usage example

See awful.tag.setgap See awful.tag.getgap See awful.tag.incgap

screen padding effect:

See awful.screen.padding


Manually declare a layout for the clients.

The following properties are honored in the blocks:

  • name: The layout name
  • priority: The block priority when adding new clients
  • reflow: When a client is removed, should it take one away from this and add it to the one with an higher priority.
  • *max_elements*: The maximium number of client for a block
  • ratio: The ratio for the block FIXME
All clients are maximized on top of each other.

Client count scaling:

Usage example

nmaster effect:


ncol effect:


master_width_factor effect:


gap effect:

The "useless" gap tag property will change the spacing between clients.

Usage example

screen padding effect:

Usage example

See awful.screen.padding

A layout with columns and rows.

Variants :

The tile layout is available in 4 variants: tile, tile.left, and tile.bottom. The name indicate the position of the "slave" columns.

Usage example

Client count scaling:

In the image below, the first row represent the tile layout, the second the tile.left folowed by and tile.bottom. The columns indicate how the layout change when new clients are added.

Usage example

master_count effect:

The master_count property will affect number of rows in the master columns.

Usage example

See tag.master_count See awful.tag.incnmaster

column_count effect:

When columns are added, this layout will maximize the space available to each clients in the slaves columns.

Usage example

See tag.column_count See awful.tag.incncol

master_width_factor effect:

The master width factor is the ratio between the "master" column and the "slave" ones.

Usage example

See tag.master_width_factor See awful.tag.incmwfact

gap effect:

The "useless" gap tag property will change the spacing between clients.

Usage example

See See awful.tag.incgap

screen padding effect:

Usage example

See awful.screen.padding

Other properties:

This layout also check the client master and slave properties. If none is set, then master is used and the new clients will replace the existing master one.

A tile layout with the slave clients on the left.

See also:
A tile layout with the slave clients on the top.

See also:

A tile layout with the slave clients on the bottom.

See also:


Split the focused client area in two.

The split will be either vertical or horizontal to maximize the space.

By default, left untouched, it will form a spiral. This means this layout is unsuited when initializing it with many existing clients. This, in turn, makes it user-unfriendly when switching between multiple layouts:

Usage example

Alternatively, it is possible to control this layout per-screen using the "remote control" object returned by:

local api = dynamite.suit.treesome.api(mouse.screen)

This object has the following mutually exclusive properties:

  • horizontal_split: Split along the horizontal axis (side by side)
  • vertical_split: Split along the horizontal axis (top/bottom)
  • tabbed: Add client on top of each other.
  • auto: Pick vertical or horizontal depending on the maximum size of the resulting clients (default)

It also has:

  • insert:

Here's an example of the following steps:

Usage example

Usage example output:

Here's an example when insert is enabled:

Usage example

Usage example output:

It is useful to add keybindings to the globalkeys section of rc.lua to manipulate this API:

awful.key({ modkey }, "g", function()
    dynamite.suit.treesome.api(mouse.screen).auto = true
end, {description = "go back", group = "layout"}),
awful.key({ modkey, "Shift"}, "g", function()
    dynamite.suit.treesome.api(mouse.screen).horizontal_split = true
end, {description = "go back", group = "layout"}),
awful.key({ modkey, "Control"}, "g", function()
    dynamite.suit.treesome.api(mouse.screen).vertical_split = true
end, {description = "go back", group = "layout"}),
awful.key({ modkey, "Mod1"}, "g", function()
    dynamite.suit.treesome.api(mouse.screen).tabbed = true
end, {description = "go back", group = "layout"}),
awful.key({ modkey, "Mod1", "Control"}, "g", function()
    dynamite.suit.treesome.api(mouse.screen).insert =
        not dynamite.suit.treesome.api(mouse.screen).insert
end, {description = "go back", group = "layout"}),
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2021-11-13 00:35:50