Module: naughty.action

A notification action.

A notification can have multiple actions to chose from. This module allows to manage such actions. An action object can be shared by multiple notifications.


  • Copyright: 2019 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
  • Originally authored by: Emmanuel Lepage Vallee <>
    (Full contributors list available on our github project)


naughty.action {[args]} Create a new action.

Object properties

position number The action position (index).
icon gears.surface or string The action icon.
icon_only boolean If the action should hide the label and only display the icon.

Object methods

:invoke ([notif={}]) Execute this action.
:emit_signal (name, ...) Emit a signal. Inherited from gears.object
:connect_signal (name, func) Connect to a signal. Inherited from gears.object
:weak_connect_signal (name, func) Connect to a signal weakly. Inherited from gears.object


invoked When a notification is invoked.


naughty.action {[args]}
Create a new action.


  • args The arguments.
    • name string The name.
    • position string The position.
    • icon string The icon.
    • notification naughty.notification The notification object.
    • selected boolean If this action is currently selected.


    A new action.

Object properties

position number · 1 signal
The action position (index).
Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::position When the position value changes.
    • self naughty.action The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value number The new value affected to the property.
icon gears.surface or string · 1 signal
The action icon.
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Emit signals:

  • property::icon When the icon value changes.
    • self naughty.action The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value icon The new value affected to the property.
icon_only boolean · 1 signal

If the action should hide the label and only display the icon.

Usage example

 local notif = naughty.notification {
     title   = "A notification",
     message = "This notification has actions!",
     actions = {
         naughty.action {
             name = "Accept",
             icon = beautiful.awesome_icon,
             icon_only = true,
         naughty.action {
             name = "Refuse",
             icon = beautiful.awesome_icon,
             icon_only = true,
         naughty.action {
             name = "Ignore",
             icon = beautiful.awesome_icon,
             icon_only = true,

 wibox.widget {
     notification = notif,
     widget = naughty.list.actions,

Click to display more

Emit signals:

  • property::icon_only When the icon_only value changes.
    • self naughty.action The object which changed (useful when connecting many object to the same callback).
    • new_value boolean The new value affected to the property.

Object methods

:invoke ([notif={}])
Execute this action.

This only emits the invoked signal.


  • notif naughty.notification A notification object on which the action was invoked. If a notification is shared by many object (like a "mute" or "snooze" action added to all notification), calling :invoke() without adding the notif context will cause unexpected results. (default {})
:emit_signal (name, ...) · Inherited from gears.object
Emit a signal.


  • name string The name of the signal.
  • ... Extra arguments for the callback functions. Each connected function receives the object as first argument and then any extra arguments that are given to emit_signal().
:connect_signal (name, func) · Inherited from gears.object
Connect to a signal.


  • name string The name of the signal.
  • func function The callback to call when the signal is emitted.
:weak_connect_signal (name, func) · Inherited from gears.object
Connect to a signal weakly.

This allows the callback function to be garbage collected and automatically disconnects the signal when that happens.

Warning: Only use this function if you really, really, really know what you are doing.


  • name string The name of the signal.
  • func function The callback to call when the signal is emitted.


When a notification is invoked.

Note that it is possible to call :invoke() without a notification object. It is possible the notification parameter will be nil.


  • action naughty.action The action.
  • notification naughty.notification or nil The notification, if known.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2021-11-13 00:35:50