Module: gears.matrix

An implementation of matrices for describing and working with affine transformations.


  • Copyright: 2015 Uli Schlachter
  • Originally authored by: Uli Schlachter
    (Full contributors list available on our github project)


gears.matrix.create (xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0) Create a new matrix instance
gears.matrix.create_translate (x, y) Create a new translation matrix
gears.matrix.create_scale (sx, sy) Create a new scaling matrix
gears.matrix.create_rotate (angle) Create a new rotation matrix
gears.matrix.create_rotate_at (x, y, angle) Create a new rotation matrix rotating around a custom point


gears.matrix.identity matrix A constant for the identity matrix.


:translate (x, y) Translate this matrix
:scale (sx, sy) Scale this matrix
:rotate (angle) Rotate this matrix
:rotate_at (x, y, angle) Rotate a shape from a custom point
:invert () Invert this matrix
:multiply (other) Multiply this matrix with another matrix.
:equals (other) Check if two matrices are equal.
:tostring () Get a string representation of this matrix
:transform_distance (x, y) Transform a distance by this matrix.
:transform_point (x, y) Transform a point by this matrix.
:transform_rectangle (x, y, width, height) Calculate a bounding rectangle for transforming a rectangle by a matrix.
:to_cairo_matrix () Convert to a cairo matrix
:from_cairo_matrix (mat) Convert to a cairo matrix


gears.matrix.create (xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0)
Create a new matrix instance


  • xx number The xx transformation part.
  • yx number The yx transformation part.
  • xy number The xy transformation part.
  • yy number The yy transformation part.
  • x0 number The x0 transformation part.
  • y0 number The y0 transformation part.


    A new matrix describing the given transformation.
gears.matrix.create_translate (x, y)
Create a new translation matrix


  • x number The translation in x direction.
  • y number The translation in y direction.


    A new matrix describing the given transformation.
gears.matrix.create_scale (sx, sy)
Create a new scaling matrix


  • sx number The scaling in x direction.
  • sy number The scaling in y direction.


    A new matrix describing the given transformation.
gears.matrix.create_rotate (angle)
Create a new rotation matrix


  • angle number The angle of the rotation in radians.


    A new matrix describing the given transformation.
gears.matrix.create_rotate_at (x, y, angle)
Create a new rotation matrix rotating around a custom point


  • x number The horizontal rotation point
  • y number The vertical rotation point
  • angle number The angle of the rotation in radians.


    A new matrix describing the given transformation.


gears.matrix.identity matrix
A constant for the identity matrix.


:translate (x, y)
Translate this matrix


  • x number The translation in x direction.
  • y number The translation in y direction.


    A new matrix describing the new transformation.
:scale (sx, sy)
Scale this matrix


  • sx number The scaling in x direction.
  • sy number The scaling in y direction.


    A new matrix describing the new transformation.
:rotate (angle)
Rotate this matrix


  • angle number The angle of the rotation in radians.


    A new matrix describing the new transformation.
:rotate_at (x, y, angle)
Rotate a shape from a custom point


  • x number The horizontal rotation point
  • y number The vertical rotation point
  • angle number The angle (in radiant: -2math.pi to 2math.pi)


    A transformation object
:invert ()
Invert this matrix


    A new matrix describing the inverse transformation.
:multiply (other)
Multiply this matrix with another matrix. The resulting matrix describes a transformation that is equivalent to first applying this transformation and then the transformation from other. Note that this function can also be called by directly multiplicating two matrix instances: a * b == a:multiply(b).


  • other gears.matrix or cairo.Matrix The other matrix to multiply with.


    The multiplication result.
:equals (other)
Check if two matrices are equal. Note that this function cal also be called by directly comparing two matrix instances: a == b.


  • other gears.matrix or cairo.Matrix The matrix to compare with.


    True if this and the other matrix are equal.
:tostring ()
Get a string representation of this matrix


    A string showing this matrix in column form.
:transform_distance (x, y)
Transform a distance by this matrix. The difference to matrix:transform_point is that the translation part of this matrix is ignored.


  • x number The x coordinate of the point.
  • y number The y coordinate of the point.


  1. number The x coordinate of the transformed point.
  2. number The x coordinate of the transformed point.
:transform_point (x, y)
Transform a point by this matrix.


  • x number The x coordinate of the point.
  • y number The y coordinate of the point.


  1. number The x coordinate of the transformed point.
  2. number The y coordinate of the transformed point.
:transform_rectangle (x, y, width, height)
Calculate a bounding rectangle for transforming a rectangle by a matrix.


  • x number The x coordinate of the rectangle.
  • y number The y coordinate of the rectangle.
  • width number The width of the rectangle.
  • height number The height of the rectangle.


  1. number X coordinate of the bounding rectangle.
  2. number Y coordinate of the bounding rectangle.
  3. number Width of the bounding rectangle.
  4. number Height of the bounding rectangle.
:to_cairo_matrix ()
Convert to a cairo matrix


    cairo.Matrix A cairo matrix describing the same transformation.
:from_cairo_matrix (mat)
Convert to a cairo matrix


  • mat cairo.Matrix A cairo matrix describing the sought transformation


    gears.matrix A matrix instance describing the same transformation.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2021-11-13 00:35:50