Module: gears.debug


  • Copyright: 2010 Uli Schlachter
  • Originally authored by: Uli Schlachter
    (Full contributors list available on our github project)

Static module functions

gears.debug.dump_return (data, tag[, depth]) -> () Inspect the value in data.
gears.debug.dump (data, tag[, depth]) Print the table (or any other value) to the console.
gears.debug.print_warning (message) Print an warning message
gears.debug.print_error (message) Print an error message
gears.debug.deprecate ([see], args) Display a deprecation notice, but only once per traceback.
gears.debug.deprecate_class (fallback, old_name, new_name[, The={}]) -> table Create a class proxy with deprecation messages.

Static module functions

gears.debug.dump_return (data, tag[, depth]) -> ()
Inspect the value in data.


  • data Value to inspect.
  • tag The name of the value.
  • depth int Depth of recursion. (optional)


    string A string that contains the expanded value of data.
gears.debug.dump (data, tag[, depth])
Print the table (or any other value) to the console.


  • data Table to print.
  • tag The name of the table.
  • depth int Depth of recursion. (optional)
gears.debug.print_warning (message)
Print an warning message


  • message string The warning message to print.
gears.debug.print_error (message)
Print an error message


  • message string The error message to print.
gears.debug.deprecate ([see], args) · 2 signals
Display a deprecation notice, but only once per traceback.

This function also emits the debug::deprecation signal on the awesome global object. If the deprecated API has been deprecated for more than one API level, it will also send a non-fatal error.


  • see The message to a new method / function to use. (optional)
  • args Extra arguments
    • raw boolean Print the message as-is without the automatic context
    • deprecated_in integer Print the message only when Awesome's version is equal to or greater than deprecated_in.

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Emit signals:

  • debug::deprecation This is usually routed to stdout when the API is newly deprecated.
    • msg string The full formatted message.
    • see string A message provided by the caller.
    • args table Some extra context.
  • debug::error When the API has been deprecated for more than one API level.
    • msg string The full formatted message.
gears.debug.deprecate_class (fallback, old_name, new_name[, The={}]) -> table
Create a class proxy with deprecation messages. This is useful when a class has moved somewhere else.


  • fallback table The new class.
  • old_name string The old class name.
  • new_name string The new class name.
  • The args name. (default {})


    table A proxy class.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2021-11-13 00:35:50