API documentation for awesome, a highly configurable X window manager (version v4.3-1413-g6ab8b2d5a-dirty).
Welcome to the documentation for the Awesome window manager. Below you find an overview of the individual parts which links to the full documentation.
If you are a new user, you may want to read 07-my-first-awesome.md to get started. In 05-awesomerc.md, the default configuration is explained.
If you already used awesome in the past, 89-NEWS.md and 17-porting-tips.md should be useful for you.
Default configuration components name:
Major libraries
AwesomeWM ship multiple libraries. Here is an overview of the purpose and scope of those libraries.
Library | Description |
gears | Utilities such as color parsing and objects |
wibox | Awesome own generic widget framework |
awful | Everything related to window managment |
awful.widget | Window management related widgets |
awful.layout | The default stateless client tiling module. |
ruled | Define declarative rules on various events |
naughty | Notifications |
menubar | XDG (application) menu implementation |
beautiful | Awesome theme module |
awesome | AwesomeWM lifecycle API. |
awful.keygrabber | A keyboard grabbing and transaction object. |
client | A process window. |
drawable | awesome drawable API. |
gears.timer | Timer objects and functions. |
mousegrabber | awesome mousegrabber API. |
naughty.action | A notification action. |
naughty.notification | A notification object. |
root | awesome root window API. |
screen | The AwesomeWM screen API. |
tag | awesome tag API. |
awful.button | Create easily new buttons objects ignoring certain modifiers. |
awful.key | Create easily new key objects ignoring certain modifiers. |
awful.keyboard | Utilities related to the keyboard and keybindings. |
mouse | awesome mouse API. |
ruled.client | Rules for clients. |
ruled.clipboard | Rules for the clipboard selection. |
ruled.notifications | Rules for notifications. |
ruled.screen | Rules for screens. |
ruled.tag | Rules for tags. |
awful.widget.button | A simple button widget. |
awful.widget.clienticon | Container showing the icon of a client. |
awful.widget.keyboardlayout | |
awful.widget.launcher | A button widget which hosts a menu or starts a command. |
awful.widget.layoutbox | Display the current client layout (awful.layout) icon or name. |
awful.widget.layoutlist | Display the available client layouts for a screen. |
awful.widget.prompt | The widget version of awful.prompt. |
awful.widget.taglist | Taglist widget module for awful. |
awful.widget.tasklist | Tasklist widget module for awful. |
awful.widget.watch | Watch widget. |
naughty.list.actions | Manage a notification action list. |
naughty.list.notifications | Get a list of all currently active notifications. |
naughty.widget.icon | A notification square icon. |
naughty.widget.message | A notification content message. |
naughty.widget.title | A notification title. |
wibox.widget.calendar | A calendar widget. |
wibox.widget.checkbox | A boolean display widget. |
wibox.widget.graph | A graph widget. |
wibox.widget.imagebox | A widget to display an image. |
wibox.widget.piechart | Display percentage in a circle. |
wibox.widget.progressbar | A progressbar widget. |
wibox.widget.separator | A flexible separator widget. |
wibox.widget.slider | An interactive mouse based slider widget. |
wibox.widget.systray | |
wibox.widget.textbox | A widget to display either plain or HTML text. |
wibox.widget.textclock | Text clock widget. |
awful.widget.only_on_screen | A container that makes a widget display only on a specified screen. |
naughty.widget.background | A notification background. |
wibox.container.arcchart | A circular chart (arc chart). |
wibox.container.background | A container capable of changing the background color, foreground color and widget shape. |
wibox.container.constraint | Restrict a widget size using one of multiple available strategies. |
wibox.container.margin | Add a margin around a widget. |
wibox.container.mirror | Reflect the content widget along the vertical and/or horizontal axis. |
wibox.container.place | A container used to place smaller widgets into larger space. |
wibox.container.radialprogressbar | A circular progressbar wrapper. |
wibox.container.rotate | A container rotating the conained widget by 90 degrees. |
wibox.container.scroll | This container scrolls its inner widget inside of the available space. |
wibox.container.tile | Replicate the content of the widget over and over. |
wibox.layout.align | The align layout has three slots for child widgets. |
wibox.layout.fixed | A fixed layout may be initialized with any number of child widgets, and
during runtime widgets may be added and removed dynamically. |
wibox.layout.flex | A flex layout may be initialized with any number of child widgets, and
during runtime widgets may be added and removed dynamically. |
wibox.layout.grid | A grid layout. |
wibox.layout.manual | A layout with widgets added at specific positions. |
wibox.layout.ratio | A layout filling all the available space. |
wibox.layout.stack | A stacked layout. |
awful.hotkeys_popup.widget | Popup widget which shows current hotkeys and their descriptions. |
awful.menu | A menu for awful. |
awful.popup | An auto-resized, free floating or modal wibox built around a widget. |
awful.titlebar | Titlebars for awful. |
awful.tooltip | Tooltip module for awesome objects. |
awful.wallpaper | Allows to use the wibox widget system to draw the wallpaper. |
awful.wibar | The main AwesomeWM "bar" module. |
awful.widget.calendar_popup | A calendar popup wibox. |
menubar | Menubar module, which aims to provide a freedesktop menu alternative. |
naughty.layout.box | A notification popup widget. |
naughty.layout.legacy | A notification popup widget. |
wibox |
gears.debug | |
gears.filesystem | Filesystem module for gears. |
gears.geometry | Helper functions used to compute geometries. |
gears.math | Math module for gears. |
gears.object | The object oriented programming base class used by various Awesome widgets and components. |
gears.protected_call | |
gears.sort | Extra sorting algorithms. |
gears.string | String module for gears. |
gears.table | Table module for gears. |
gears.wallpaper | Functions for setting the wallpaper. |
beautiful | Theme library. |
gears.color | This module simplifies the creation of cairo pattern objects. |
gears.shape | Module dedicated to gather common shape painters. |
dynamite | A drop-in replacment for the stateless layout suits
This system also add the possibility to write handlers enabling the use of tabs, spliters or custom client decorator. |
dynamite.layout.conditional | A specialised of the wibox.container.conditional. |
dynamite.layout.ratio | A specialised ratio layout with dynamic client layout features. |
dynamite.layout.stack | A specialised stack layout with dynamic client layout features |
dynamite.layout.tabbed | A specialised stack layout with a tabbar on top. |
dynamite.utils | A set of generic functions to manipulate layouts. |
dynamite.widget.placeholder | Reserve a spot for a client (or nothing) in the client layouts. |
awful.completion | Completion module. |
awful.hotkeys_popup | Popup widget which shows current hotkeys and their descriptions. |
awful.layout | Layout module for awful. |
awful.permissions | Implements EWMH requests handling. |
awful.placement | Algorithms used to place various drawables. |
awful.prompt | Prompt module for awful. |
awful.spawn | Spawning of programs. |
awful.util | Utility module for awful. |
dbus | awesome D-Bus API |
dynamite.widget.pager | Draw a minimap of a tag in a widget. |
dynamite.widget.spawn | Spawn a client in a reserved spot. |
gears.matcher | A module to build a set of properties based on a graph of rules. |
gears.surface | |
lib.lain.layout.centerwork | make focus.byidx and swap.byidx behave more consistently with other layouts |
menubar.menu_gen | Menu generation module for menubar |
menubar.utils | Utility module for menubar |
naughty | Notification library. |
selection | awesome selection (clipboard) API |
wibox.widget |
Sample files
rc.lua | The default rc.lua file. |
theme.lua | The default theme file. |
awful.widget.common | |
gears.cache | Cache object with data that can be garbage-collected. |
gears.connection | Object oriented way to connect objects. |
gears.history | A generic and stateful history tracking class. |
gears.matrix | An implementation of matrices for describing and working with affine transformations. |
gears.reactive | Utility module to convert functions to Excel like objects. |
gears.watcher | Fetch information at a specific interval. |
menubar.icon_theme | (Deprecated) class module for icon lookup for menubar |
menubar.index_theme | (Deprecated) class module for parsing an index.theme file |
signals | Handling of signals. |
wibox.container.conditional | A container displaying a child widget when a condition is met. |
wibox.container.scale | Resize the content widget by a factor, offset or DPI differential. |
wibox.container.template | A container designed to update its child widget value automatically. |
wibox.drawable | Handling of drawables. |
wibox.hierarchy | Management of widget hierarchies. |
wibox.widget.base | |
wibox.widget.status | Several preconfigured status widget for common devices. |
xproperties | Handling of X properties. |